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Need maalid ja joonistused erinevatest aedadest moodustavad aiapäeviku. Seadsin end seda maalides takistusi, maalisin pingutamata lõuendile, isetehtud värvidega ja osalt taimedest tehtud pintslitega. Maalida oli keeruline, kuna raske on joont juhtida, tulemust ei saa kontrollida. Aga lõpuks on just see ebamugavus selle teose kese, mida nautisin. Ühest küljest näitab reaktsioon piiratud olukorrale professiooni uusi tahke, teisalt on selline enda ebakindlasse olukorda panek harjutus ebakindlas maailmas.

These paintings and drawings from different gardens form a garden diary. I set myself obstacles, painted onto unstretched canvas with self-made paints and partly with self-made plant brushes. It was difficult to paint, difficult to lead the lines and I was unable to control the result. But finally, the same discomfort become the heart of work which I learned to enjoy. On one hand the reaction to limited situation reveals new aspects of the profession and on the other hand putting oneself in an uncertain situation is an exercise in the uncertain world.

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